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In Clinical and translational radiation oncology
Bang Chulmin, Bernard Galaad, Le William T, Lalonde Arthur, Kadoury Samuel, Bahig Houda
ADASYN, adaptive synthetic sampling, AI, artificial intelligence, ANN, artificial neural network, AUC, Area Under the ROC Curve, Artificial intelligence, BMI, body mass index, C-Index, concordance index, CART, Classification and Regression Tree, CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography, CIFE, conditional informax feature extraction, CNN, convolutional neural network, CRT, chemoradiation, CT, computed tomography, Cancer outcomes, DL, deep learning, DM, distant metastasis, DSC, Dice Similarity Coefficient, DSS, clinical decision support systems, DT, Decision Tree, DVH, Dose-volume histogram, GANs, Generative Adversarial Networks, GB, Gradient boosting, GPU, graphical process units, HNC, head and neck cancer, HPV, human papillomavirus, HR, hazard ratio, Head and neck cancer, IAMB, incremental association Markov blanket, IBDM, image based data mining, IBMs, image biomarkers, IMRT, intensity-modulated RT, KNN, k nearest neighbor, LLR, Local linear forest, LR, logistic regression, LRR, loco-regional recurrence, MIFS, mutual information based feature selection, ML, machine learning, MRI, Magnetic resonance imaging, MRMR, Minimum redundancy feature selection, Machine learning, N-MLTR, Neural Multi-Task Logistic Regression, NPC, nasopharynx, NTCP, Normal Tissue Complication Probability, OPC, oropharyngeal cancer, ORN, osteoradionecrosis, OS, overall survival, PCA, Principal component analysis, PET, Positron emission tomography, PG, parotid glands, PLR, Positive likelihood ratio, PM, pharyngeal mucosa, PTV, Planning target volumes, PreSANet, deep preprocessor module and self-attention, Predictive modeling, QUANTEC, Quantitative Analyses of Normal Tissue Effects in the Clinic, RF, random forest, RFC, random forest classifier, RFS, recurrence free survival, RLR, Rigid logistic regression, RRF, Regularized random forest, RSF, random survival forest, RT, radiotherapy, RTLI, radiation-induced temporal lobe injury, Radiomic, SDM, shared decision making, SMG, submandibular glands, SMOTE, synthetic minority over-sampling technique, STIC, sticky saliva, SVC, support vector classifier, SVM, support vector machine, XGBoost, extreme gradient boosting
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