In Genes and environment : the official journal of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen Society
The Open Symposium of the Japanese Environmental Mutagen and Genome Society (JEMS) entitled "Analytical technologies to revolutionize the environmental mutagenesis and genome research -From the basics to the cutting-edge research-" was held online, on June 11th, 2022. The purpose of this symposium was to provide an opportunity to highlight the cutting-edge research for measurement technologies, and informational and computational (in silico) sciences for the purpose of applying them to deepen scientific knowledge and better understanding the relationship between genes and environmental mutagens. These advanced technologies and sciences are indispensable for the prediction of pharmacokineticses, mutagenicities of chemical substances, and structures of biomolecules including chromosomes. In this symposium, we invited six scientists who are continuing to expand the frontiers in the fields of health data science. Herein, the organizers present a summary of the symposium.
Koyama Naoki, Sassa Akira
Carcinogenesis, DNA damage, Directed evolution, Environmental mutagen, In silico mutagenicity, Machine learning model, Mutagenesis, Single-cell DNA replication sequencing, xenoBiotic