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In Neural networks : the official journal of the International Neural Network Society

The monkeypox virus poses a new pandemic threat while we are still recovering from COVID-19. Despite the fact that monkeypox is not as lethal and contagious as COVID-19, new patient cases are recorded every day. If preparations are not made, a global pandemic is likely. Deep learning (DL) techniques are now showing promise in medical imaging for figuring out what diseases a person has. The monkeypox virus-infected human skin and the region of the skin can be used to diagnose the monkeypox early because an image has been used to learn more about the disease. But there is still no reliable Monkeypox database that is available to the public that can be used to train and test DL models. As a result, it is essential to collect images of monkeypox patients. The "MSID" dataset, short form of "Monkeypox Skin Images Dataset", which was developed for this research, is free to use and can be downloaded from the Mendeley Data database by anyone who wants to use it. DL models can be built and used with more confidence using the images in this dataset. These images come from a variety of open-source and online sources and can be used for research purposes without any restrictions. Furthermore, we proposed and evaluated a modified DenseNet-201 deep learning-based CNN model named MonkeyNet. Using the original and augmented datasets, this study suggested a deep convolutional neural network that was able to correctly identify monkeypox disease with an accuracy of 93.19% and 98.91% respectively. This implementation also shows the Grad-CAM which indicates the level of the model's effectiveness and identifies the infected regions in each class image, which will help the clinicians. The proposed model will also help doctors make accurate early diagnoses of monkeypox disease and protect against the spread of the disease.

Bala Diponkor, Hossain Md Shamim, Hossain Mohammad Alamgir, Abdullah Md Ibrahim, Rahman Md Mizanur, Manavalan Balachandran, Gu Naijie, Islam Mohammad S, Huang Zhangjin


Classification, Convolutional neural network, Dataset, Deep learning, Machine learning, Monkeypox disease