ArXiv Preprint
We introduce a new setting, the category of $\omega$PAP spaces, for reasoning
denotationally about expressive differentiable and probabilistic programming
languages. Our semantics is general enough to assign meanings to most practical
probabilistic and differentiable programs, including those that use general
recursion, higher-order functions, discontinuous primitives, and both discrete
and continuous sampling. But crucially, it is also specific enough to exclude
many pathological denotations, enabling us to establish new results about both
deterministic differentiable programs and probabilistic programs. In the
deterministic setting, we prove very general correctness theorems for automatic
differentiation and its use within gradient descent. In the probabilistic
setting, we establish the almost-everywhere differentiability of probabilistic
programs' trace density functions, and the existence of convenient base
measures for density computation in Monte Carlo inference. In some cases these
results were previously known, but required detailed proofs with an operational
flavor; by contrast, all our proofs work directly with programs' denotations.
Mathieu Huot, Alexander K. Lew, Vikash K. Mansinghka, Sam Staton