ArXiv Preprint
Contrastively trained text-image models have the remarkable ability to
perform zero-shot classification, that is, classifying previously unseen images
into categories that the model has never been explicitly trained to identify.
However, these zero-shot classifiers need prompt engineering to achieve high
accuracy. Prompt engineering typically requires hand-crafting a set of prompts
for individual downstream tasks. In this work, we aim to automate this prompt
engineering and improve zero-shot accuracy through prompt ensembling. In
particular, we ask "Given a large pool of prompts, can we automatically score
the prompts and ensemble those that are most suitable for a particular
downstream dataset, without needing access to labeled validation data?". We
demonstrate that this is possible. In doing so, we identify several pathologies
in a naive prompt scoring method where the score can be easily overconfident
due to biases in pre-training and test data, and we propose a novel prompt
scoring method that corrects for the biases. Using our proposed scoring method
to create a weighted average prompt ensemble, our method outperforms equal
average ensemble, as well as hand-crafted prompts, on ImageNet, 4 of its
variants, and 11 fine-grained classification benchmarks, all while being fully
automatic, optimization-free, and not requiring access to labeled validation
James Urquhart Allingham, Jie Ren, Michael W Dusenberry, Jeremiah Zhe Liu, Xiuye Gu, Yin Cui, Dustin Tran, Balaji Lakshminarayanan