In Innovations in systems and software engineering
Hepatitis is among the deadliest diseases on the planet. Machine learning approaches can contribute toward diagnosing hepatitis disease based on a few characteristics. On the UCI dataset, authors assessed distinct classifiers' performance in order to develop a systematic strategy for hepatitis disease diagnosis. The classifiers used are support vector machine, logistic regression (LR), K-nearest neighbor, and random forest. The classifiers were employed without class balancing and in conjunction with class balancing using SMOTE strategy. Both studies, classification without class balancing and with class balancing, were compared in terms of different performance parameters. After adopting class balancing, the efficiency of classifiers improved significantly. LR with SMOTE provided the highest level of accuracy (93.18%).
Sachdeva Ravi Kumar, Bathla Priyanka, Rani Pooja, Solanki Vikas, Ahuja Rakesh
Hepatitis, LR, Machine learning, SMOTE, Support vector machine