In Briefings in bioinformatics
With the improvement of single-cell measurement techniques, there is a growing awareness that individual differences exist among cells, and protein expression distribution can vary across cells in the same tissue or cell line. Pinpointing the protein subcellular locations in single cells is crucial for mapping functional specificity of proteins and studying related diseases. Currently, research about single-cell protein location is still in its infancy, and most studies and databases do not annotate proteins at the cell level. For example, in the human protein atlas database, an immunofluorescence image stained for a particular protein shows multiple cells, but the subcellular location annotation is for the whole image, ignoring intercellular difference. In this study, we used large-scale immunofluorescence images and image-level subcellular locations to develop a deep-learning-based pipeline that could accurately recognize protein localizations in single cells. The pipeline consisted of two deep learning models, i.e. an image-based model and a cell-based model. The former used a multi-instance learning framework to comprehensively model protein distribution in multiple cells in each image, and could give both image-level and cell-level predictions. The latter firstly used clustering and heuristics algorithms to assign pseudo-labels of subcellular locations to the segmented cell images, and then used the pseudo-labels to train a classification model. Finally, the image-based model was fused with the cell-based model at the decision level to obtain the final ensemble model for single-cell prediction. Our experimental results showed that the ensemble model could achieve higher accuracy and robustness on independent test sets than state-of-the-art methods.
Zhu Xi-Liang, Bao Lin-Xia, Xue Min-Qi, Xu Ying-Ying
bioimage informatics, deep learning, multi-instance learning, protein subcellular localization