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In Computers in biology and medicine

Visual inspection of embryo morphology is routinely used in embryo assessment and selection. However, due to the complexity of morphologies and large inter- and intra-observer variances among embryologists, manual evaluations remain to be subjective and time-consuming. Thus, we proposed a light-weighted morphology attention learning network (LWMA-Net) for automatic assistance on embryo grading. The LWMA-Net integrated a morphology attention module (MAM) to seek the informative features and their locations and a multiscale fusion module (MFM) to increase the features flowing in the model. The LWMA-Net was trained with a primary set of 3599 embryos from 2318 couples that were clinically enrolled between Sep. 2016 and Dec. 2018, and generated area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) of 96.88% and 97.58% on 4- and 3-category gradings, respectively. An independent test set comprises 691 embryos from 321 couples between Jan. 2019 and Jan. 2021 were used to test the assisted fertility values on the embryo grading. Five experienced embryologists were invited to regrade the embryos in the independent set with and without the aid of the LWMA-Net three months apart. Embryologists aided by our LWMA-Net significantly improved their grading capabilities with average AUCs improved by 4.98%-5.32% on 4- and 3-category grading tasks, respectively, which suggests good potential of our LWMA-Net on assisted human reproduction.

Wu Chongwei, Fu Langyuan, Tian Zhiying, Liu Jiao, Song Jiangdian, Guo Wei, Zhao Yu, Zheng Duo, Jin Ying, Yi Dongxu, Jiang Xiran


Attention learning, Deep learning, Embryo grading, Multiscale fusion