In Computer methods and programs in biomedicine
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE : Recurrent attentive non-invasive observation of intestinal inflammation is essential for the proper management of Crohn's disease (CD). The goal of this study was to develop and evaluate a multi-modal machine-learning (ML) model to assess ileal CD endoscopic activity by integrating information from Magnetic Resonance Enterography (MRE) and biochemical biomarkers.
METHODS : We obtained MRE, biochemical and ileocolonoscopy data from the multi-center ImageKids study database. We developed an optimized multimodal fusion ML model to non-invasively assess terminal ileum (TI) endoscopic disease activity in CD from MRE data. We determined the most informative features for model development using a permutation feature importance technique. We assessed model performance in comparison to the clinically recommended linear-regression MRE model in an experimental setup that consisted of stratified 2-fold validation, repeated 50 times, with the ileocolonoscopy-based Simple Endoscopic Score for CD at the TI (TI SES-CD) as a reference. We used the predictions' mean-squared-error (MSE) and the receiver operation characteristics (ROC) area under curve (AUC) for active disease classification (TI SEC-CD≥3) as performance metrics.
RESULTS : 121 subjects out of the 240 subjects in the ImageKids study cohort had all required information (Non-active CD: 62 [51%], active CD: 59 [49%]). Length of disease segment and normalized biochemical biomarkers were the most informative features. The optimized fusion model performed better than the clinically recommended model determined by both a better median test MSE distribution (7.73 vs. 8.8, Wilcoxon test, p<1e-5) and a better aggregated AUC over the folds (0.84 vs. 0.8, DeLong's test, p<1e-9).
CONCLUSIONS : Optimized ML models for ileal CD endoscopic activity assessment have the potential to enable accurate and non-invasive attentive observation of intestinal inflammation in CD patients. The presented model is available at
Guez Itai, Focht Gili, Greer Mary-Louise C, Cytter-Kuint Ruth, Pratt Li-Tal, Castro Denise A, Turner Dan, Griffiths Anne M, Freiman Moti
Crohn’s disease, Machine-learning, Magnetic Resonance Enterography, Multimodal Learning in Medical Imaging and Informatics