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In Multimedia tools and applications

COVID-19 is an ongoing pandemic and the WHO recommends at least one-meter social distance, and the use of medical face masks to slow the disease's transmission. This paper proposes an automated approach for detecting social distance and face masks. Thus, it aims to help the reduction of diseases transferred by respiratory droplets such as COVID-19. For this system, a two-cascaded YOLO is used. The first cascade detects humans in the environment and computes the social distance between them. Then, the second cascade detects human faces with or without a mask. Finally, red bounding boxes encircle the people's images that did not follow the rules. Also, in this paper, we propose a two-part feature extraction approach used with YOLO. The first part of the proposed feature extraction method extracts general features using the transfer learning approach. The second part extracts better features specific to the current task using the LBP layer and classification layers. The best average precision for the human detection task was obtained as 66% using Resnet50 in YOLO. The best average precision for the mask detection was obtained as 95% using Darknet19+LBP with YOLO. Also, another popular object detection network, Faster R-CNN, have been used for comparison purpose. The proposed system performed better than the literature in human and mask detection tasks.

Oztel Ismail, Yolcu Oztel Gozde, Akgun Devrim


Covid-19, Deep learning, Face mask detection, Human detection