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In Applied soft computing

Worldwide COVID-19 is a highly infectious and rapidly spreading disease in almost all age groups. The Computed Tomography (CT) scans of lungs are found to be accurate for the timely diagnosis of COVID-19 infection. In the proposed work, a deep learning-based P-shot N-ways Siamese network along with prototypical nearest neighbor classifiers is implemented for the classification of COVID-19 infection from lung CT scan slices. For this, a Siamese network with an identical sub-network (weight sharing) is used for image classification with a limited dataset for each class. The similarity between the images is determined using nearest neighbor classifiers that use the Euclidean distance between the feature vectors in latent space. The feature vectors are obtained from the pre-trained sub-networks having weight sharing. The performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated on the benchmark MosMed dataset having categories zero (healthy control) and numerous COVID-19 infections, i.e., low infection, intermediate infection, high infection, and extremely high infection. To prove the robustness of the proposed methodology is evaluated on (a) chest CT scans provided by medical hospitals in Moscow, Russia for 1110 patients, and (b) case study of low-dose CT scans of 42 patients provided by Avtaran healthcare in India. The deep learning-based Siamese network (15-shot 5-ways) obtained an accuracy of 98.07%, the sensitivity of 95.66%, specificity of 98.83%, and F1-score of 95.10%. The proposed work outperforms the COVID-19 infection severity classification with limited scans availability for numerous infection categories.

Ahuja Sakshi, Panigrahi Bijaya Ketan, Dey Neelanjan, Taneja Arpit, Gandhi Tapan Kumar


CNN, COVID-19 infection, CT scan, Siamese network