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In Frontiers in pediatrics

Objective : This study identified factors related to adolescent obesity during the COVID-19 pandemic by using machine learning techniques and developed a model for predicting high-risk obesity groups among South Korean adolescents based on the result.

Materials and methods : This study analyzed 50,858 subjects (male: 26,535 subjects, and female: 24,323 subjects) between 12 and 18 years old. Outcome variables were classified into two classes (normal or obesity) based on body mass index (BMI). The explanatory variables included demographic factors, mental health factors, life habit factors, exercise factors, and academic factors. This study developed a model for predicting adolescent obesity by using multiple logistic regressions that corrected all confounding factors to understand the relationship between predictors for South Korean adolescent obesity by inputting the seven variables with the highest Shapley values found in categorical boosting (CatBoost).

Results : In this study, the top seven variables with a high impact on model output (based on SHAP values in CatBoost) were gender, mean sitting hours per day, the number of days of conducting strength training in the past seven days, academic performance, the number of days of drinking soda in the past seven days, the number of days of conducting the moderate-intensity physical activity for 60 min or more per day in the past seven days, and subjective stress perception level.

Conclusion : To prevent obesity in adolescents, it is required to detect adolescents vulnerable to obesity early and conduct monitoring continuously to manage their physical health.

Byeon Haewon


COVID-19 pandemic, CatBoost, adolescent, machine learning, obesity